söndag 6 juli 2008

en dikt om passion och åtrå..


A feeling of desire is crawling under my skin
When he touches me and kissing my chin
Passion is something i have always desire
it makes me wanna release all burning fire
in this moment i just think of you
you know exactly what to do

So please take me in your arms and show your love
And we forget everything around us and above
Make love to me , in you mind, in you heart, on the beach
Kiss me all over ,show me and teach
Let me feel your warm body next to mine
everything about you feel so damn fine

my lips touches yours, gently and sweet
the sand is thickling under my feet
i feel your sweatdrops on my naked skin
the journey to complete passion has only begin...

2 kommentarer:

Jeanette sa...

superbra, den gilla jag :)

Lexy sa...

jo den var verkligen bra =)!