I see you in my dreams, i feel you in my heart
My memories of you are tearing me apart
Cause i miss you so much
Your voice and your touch
Your wise words and your smile
I havn’t seen it for a while
So i wonder, what do you thinnk of me now?
I try to live one day in time, but i don’t now how
Some nights i cry my self to sleep
Cause my wounds are so deep
Please dad, help me make a choice
I’m tired of my anxietys voice
My memories of you are tearing me apart
Cause i miss you so much
Your voice and your touch
Your wise words and your smile
I havn’t seen it for a while
So i wonder, what do you thinnk of me now?
I try to live one day in time, but i don’t now how
Some nights i cry my self to sleep
Cause my wounds are so deep
Please dad, help me make a choice
I’m tired of my anxietys voice
No one can give me same hugh like you
Soon i don’t know what to do
Soon i don’t know what to do
It feels like my spirit is leaving me
I have no strenght left you see
I don’t know what i was born to be
Wil i live alone or is there a we?
So dad please take my hand and give me some energy
I need it so much, before there’s another tradegy
Stay beside my bed tonight
Then maybe i can see some light
So hold me tight to you
I don’t know what else to do
Oh daddy please come back to me
You improve me up to all i can be
The perfect daddy always know what to do
No question about it, that is you
I’m your daughter, you are my dad
The best one i could ever have.
Nothing can change what i feel
But my wounds take a long time to heal
Through pain and through sorrow
You always have a shoulder to borrow
You will be forever in my mind
I love you
I have no strenght left you see
I don’t know what i was born to be
Wil i live alone or is there a we?
So dad please take my hand and give me some energy
I need it so much, before there’s another tradegy
Stay beside my bed tonight
Then maybe i can see some light
So hold me tight to you
I don’t know what else to do
Oh daddy please come back to me
You improve me up to all i can be
The perfect daddy always know what to do
No question about it, that is you
I’m your daughter, you are my dad
The best one i could ever have.
Nothing can change what i feel
But my wounds take a long time to heal
Through pain and through sorrow
You always have a shoulder to borrow
You will be forever in my mind
I love you
en dikt jag skrev ikväll som handlar om hur jag mår och känner just nu.
den är på engelska för att det är lättare att få rim på orden.
(bilden : images.yahoo.com)
2 kommentarer:
jag har blivit ifrågasatt om jag skrivit denna dikt själv, och svaret är JA.. det har jag. allting är taget från egna känslor och eget huvud. Enegelska är ett språk jag älskar och skriver helst dikter på det språket.
vill bara klargöra det för er som tvivlar.
Uuuunderbart fin dikt Marie :)!!
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